
Which Pasta Is Best

When shopping for groceries, we often stand in front of the pasta shelf, wondering. Why does a 14-ounce package of some costs as much as two pounds of another? The principle is the same — dried dough, which we must cook. So why is there a price difference?

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Many people think that expensive pasta is a waste of money, an overpayment for nicely designed packaging or advertising. In reality, several factors affect the price, and now we will discuss those in detail.

What Determines the Quality of Pasta

Grade of Flour

Firstly, flour grade is of great significance. Product made from hard wheat will cost more, but it will not fall apart or stick together. Besides, it does not promote weight gain.

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Production Technology

The longer the pasta must be cooked, the higher the quality and price become. Few know that the staple food of Italian cuisine should dry properly so as not to fall apart while cooking, but the drying process of cheap products is forced to obtain large volumes.

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The surface of high-quality pasta is covered with tiny grooves that keep the sauce, or regular oil, from draining back onto the plate. That is why a high-quality product is so delicious.

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Companies that produce expensive pasta work to build a reputation for their product, so they use only high-quality raw materials and carefully inspect the finished products. The cheap ones are attractive for their price, but the bundle can contain broken pasta, which, when cooked, will turn into an unappetizing and tasteless mess.

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Now you know what to pay attention to when selecting pasta. Why not use your knowledge in practice, and then cook something especially delicious to satisfy your Italian food cravings? Be sure to share these tips with your friends — let them also take delight in their purchases!


I am an English major with a love of languages and fiction, and with an incurable travel bug. In my free time, I read fantasy, drink copious amounts of coffee, and like to go see movies. Culinary art means everything to me. My main hypostasis is the taster, though. The music school has taught me to appreciate the symphony of airy meringues, to create harmonious overtures of light snacks, hard rock of meat, fish, and vegetables on the grill. Choir classes have accustomed me to hear and feel the people nearby and create perfect harmonies of sounds.