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18 Creative Design Ideas to Make Your Home a Happier Place

In the surplus of choices of today, creative design is a critical factor affecting the success or failure of a product. Just when we think we’ve seen everything, extraordinary designers with unbelievable imagination invent something new and mind-blowingly exciting.

Due to their original, one-of-a-kind aesthetic, some objects manage to capture us with their novel and modern appearance. Today, Cook It would like to share with you a compilation of 18 creative design ideas that uniquely decorate home interiors.

18 Creative Design Ideas

  1. The reflection on the DVD is part of the design. The disc is a figurative lake, and the main characters observe their reflections in it.
  2. The force is strong with this clever Yoda bookend.
  3. Cutlery re-imagined by Salvador Dalí. Do you have anything that looks as extraordinary at home?
  4. Time seems to have stopped the moment this lamp began breaking. Such a unique piece of home decor will never go unnoticed.
  5. The escalator brings the yummy donuts straight to Homer Simpson’s mouth.
  6. This toaster offers an elegant window to view the cooking progress of your bread.
  7. Straight out of a spy movie, this doorknob disappears when locked.
  8. After emptying the bottle, you can see the drawings communicate with each other.
  9. This impressive aquarium headboard allows you to surround yourself by marine life.
  10. This lamp that casts shadows of trees and branches looks a bit uncanny, wouldn’t you say?
  11. Indoor beach? Yes, please! Contact with the sand can help you relax when you are working from home.
  12. Is this vertebrae staircase the oddest design solution you’ve ever seen?
  13. At first glance, these look like ventilation pipes, but in reality, they make up a cat tunnel.
  14. Who wouldn’t want to fall asleep on a book-shaped bed with pages made of bedsheets?
  15. This bathtub seems to defy the laws of gravity due to its transparent walls. Looks like magic.
  16. A bottle label with two functions: it advertises the product and can be made into origami.
  17. Those of us who love cooking are always looking for exciting things to try for our recipes. With this cheese pencil, you can get some very unique shavings for your salad.
  18. The keyboard is a frequently used tool. If you want to feel like you’re in a science fiction novel, this retro option with a steampunk aesthetic is exactly what you need!

We hope that this compilation of objects with a creative design has given you some new ideas. Which one would you consider adding to your home decor collection? Tell us in the comments section.


I am an English major with a love of languages and fiction, and with an incurable travel bug. In my free time, I read fantasy, drink copious amounts of coffee, and like to go see movies. Culinary art means everything to me. My main hypostasis is the taster, though. The music school has taught me to appreciate the symphony of airy meringues, to create harmonious overtures of light snacks, hard rock of meat, fish, and vegetables on the grill. Choir classes have accustomed me to hear and feel the people nearby and create perfect harmonies of sounds.