The Worst and Best Trees to Plant Near a House

Happy owners of suburban housing have an excellent opportunity to plant trees and grow a sumptuous garden in their yard, which will become the best place to relax on a warm summer evening.

The question is: which are best trees to plant? After all, each “green friend” demands certain conditions for growing, and you want it to benefit you and look beautiful in your garden.

Not all trees are suitable for planting near housing, though. Some may have deep, strong roots that can damage the foundation of your house, whereas others may grow very high and pose a danger somewhere down the line. Many, however, have come to be associated with folk sayings and superstitions — please take these with a grain of salt. Having said that, below, you will find nine best trees to plant in your yard.
Front Yard Trees
According to popular belief, trees are a symbol of growth, strength, and harmony. Moreover, they have an aura of calm and peace. Different trees can provide different benefits, and our article will help you pick your perfect tree!
Cherry trees are very beneficial for humans. In spring, they bloom with delicate white flowers, and at the end of summer, they gratify with delicious fruit. At the same time, cherry trees are low-maintenance and do not require special care.

In many countries, people believe that cherry trees bring good luck. According to legend, they bring prosperity, and a bonfire under a blossoming cherry tree will only increase wealth, so if you can, plant it near the place where you plan to make barbecues. When planting cherry trees, take into account that they prefer moist, fertilized soil.
The beloved birch tree has another name — the tree of life. From time immemorial, people have associated it with fertility.

Many believe that birch is very capricious and favors only those it likes. It can protect against evil spirits and give a burst of energy to the sick, but it is best not to plant it too close to home.
Plant a birch tree near the fence or the gate (the ancestors believed that this would protect from the evil eye) and find a moist place for it, since it loves water. In return, it will protect the house from damage, help to cope with depression, and protect from nightmares.
Birch is also fond of sunlight and pleases its green-thumbed owners with a noticeable growth rate. It easily tolerates frosts but categorically does not like replantation. For the tree to take root in the new place as best as possible, opt for seedlings whose age does not exceed 5–7 years.

Birch pollen is an allergen that may cause trouble for people prone to allergies.
From ancient times, people planted an apple tree near the windows of a young girl’s bedroom, believing that it will give her beauty, charm, and happiness in family life. Many beliefs connect the apple tree with eternal youth and longevity.

Not only apple trees give delicious fruit, but they also willingly share their positive energy. They say that the older this tree is, the more powerful it is.
Linden is one of the most shade-tolerant trees — only spruce, fir, hornbeam, and oak can compare with it. It loves soils with good drainage.

This tree has one remarkable quality — you can shape, cut, or bend it at any age, which makes it easy to form not only hedges but also arches, balls, gazebos, pyramids.
Linden trees live a very long time: an average of 300–400 years. Throughout its life, it will not only please the eye with its extraordinary beauty but also serve as a source of medicinal raw materials used in folk medicine.

Linden blossom infusions can improve urine passage, sweat, gastric juice, and digestive gland secretion, and facilitate bile outflow. They are anti-inflammatory and soothing.
Our ancestors believed that maple removes negative energy and, as a result, reduces the number of quarrels in the family. Maple trees bring longevity, love, and prosperity to the household. Those who have a maple tree near their house will always feel calm and confident.

Chestnut trees attract with their unique flowers and leaves, and folk medicine aficionados use their spiky fruit for medicinal purposes.

Chestnut is a selfish bio-vampire, though. It can strip a person away from their energy without giving them anything in return, so do not plant it close to home. On the other hand, contact with a chestnut helps to improve mood and forget sorrows.

Better not grow a tree from chestnut fruit. Our ancestors claimed that growing a chestnut this way will bring disease to the person who planted it.
Rowan is a symbol of fertility, well-being, and prosperity. Due to the bright fruit and crimson leaves, it does not lose its decorative effect even in the winter season.

Rowan does not need any special soil conditions; however, it should not be marshy or too moist. It is fond of sunny areas or small shade.
This tree is in excellent harmony with spruce, pine, fir, and foliage species, especially linden, black poplar, ash, and white willow. Best plant rowan in September, October, or early spring.
Not everyone will resolve to plant a weeping willow in their yard because it can cover the whole area with its shadow. Therefore, it is best to plant ornamental willow trees.

Among the ornamental weeping willow species, many will fit perfectly in a small garden, for example, woolly-twigged willow, net-leaf willow, notch-leaf willow, as well as dappled willow and purple willow varieties.

You can use willow branches to create different woven items — furniture, baskets, decor. Rabbit and goat owners will find willows delightful — their leaves will make an excellent food supplement in the winter season.
Willow has its drawbacks, though: plant lice love it. Because of this, fruit trees that grow close to it can suffer. The rapid growth of willow can lead to the appearance of impenetrable thickets.
Superstitions do not allow to plant a willow close to home — it might bring grief (hence, the name weeping willow).
Although larches are conifers, they are deciduous trees that lose their needles in the autumn.

Interestingly, larch is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most frost-resistant tree — it can withstand temperatures up to -85 °F. At the same time, it loves warmth, light, and good soil. Moreover, it is photophilic, meaning that it does not tolerate even lateral shading.
In nature, larches reach a height of 160 feet with a trunk diameter of 3 feet. However, there are dozens of ornamental varieties, including dwarf ones, that can decorate your garden or yard without taking up much space.

Larches have calming power. If you are someone who often feels overwhelmed by fears, doubts, and anxiety — it is the perfect tree for you. It helps to defeat severe nervous ailments, overcome depression, and keep an optimistic outlook on life.
For centuries, planting trees has been considered one of the most important human missions on Earth. Now that you know best trees to plant near the house, you can get to work. Good luck!
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