How to Fall Asleep Fast

Good sound sleep is as vital to human health as proper nutrition. Everyday stress and stirring events can disrupt the routine and cause sleep disturbances. As we all know, a person who doesn’t get enough rest at night becomes more irritable and less focused. Besides, sleeplessness weakens the immune system. If you have long been suffering from sleep problems, we’ll show you how to fall asleep fast.

To feel awake and alert, we need at least 7 hours of sleep, which, nowadays, is a luxury for many. More often than not, people spend half the night trying to fall asleep, and when the long-awaited rest finally comes, it is time to get up. Cook It also appreciates a good sleep, so we can’t wait to share with you the military technique for falling asleep in two minutes.

Effective Tips to Ensure a Comfortable Sleep
To make sure that nothing prevents you from falling asleep, prepare in advance. Having all the conditions for a comfortable sleep will make the process much easier. Here is what you need:

- expose yourself to a lot of light during the day;
- try to stop or minimize the consumption of alcohol and caffeine, as well as smoking in the afternoon;
- avoid any physical activity 2–3 hours before bedtime;
- let go of negative thoughts and focus only on the good;
- turn off the TV and computer and put the phone aside at least half an hour before going to sleep.

Develop a habit of relaxing before bedtime. Turn on calming music, take a bath. Pay attention to the temperature in the bedroom. Scientists suggest it should be around 65 degrees.
How to Fall Asleep Fast
Having prepared for better sleep during the day, go to bed. If you still cannot fall asleep, use one of these effective techniques designed to help you fall asleep quickly.
Breathing exercise. This technique aims to calm the nervous system. Measured breathing will help release the stress and relax the body, making you feel drowsy after 2-3 minutes. Take a deep breath in 5 seconds, then exhale and pause for the same amount of time. The whole cycle will take 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise until you fall asleep.

Please note that this technique is not recommended for the elderly, as well as people with respiratory system problems.
Suvorov’s method. The famous commander Alexander Suvorov used this technique. Everything is simple: lie on your back with your arms along the torso, palms up. Relax completely, close your eyes, and roll your eyeballs up.
White noise. Many people think that comfortable sleep requires complete silence. In reality, the total absence of sound is annoying. Find white noise that suits your needs (the ticking of the clock, quiet music, gurgling water) and focus on it. Abandon all thoughts, and soon, you will fall into a deep sleep.

The Military Secret to Falling Asleep in Two Minutes
During WWII, the U.S. military brought in Bud Winter, previously a college football coach, to test his method for teaching sleep. It worked: after a few weeks, 96 percent of the army’s fighter pilots could fall asleep within two minutes.

First, you want to relax mentally by thinking positive thoughts. Next, you need to stop thinking altogether, continuously repeating to yourself: “Do not think, do not think, do not think …”. You are unlikely to succeed the first time you try this, but if you repeat the exercise every night, after a few weeks, you will learn how to fall asleep fast.

Lack of sleep is dangerous. Insomnia may hide more serious nervous system diseases. We hope that our advice will help you to always be in good health and forget about sleep problems once and for all.