How to Store Mugs: 10 Amazing Ideas

For some reason, it’s already become a tradition to give mugs as gifts. I have an impressive collection: all kinds of shapes and sizes, with writings and drawings. It’s a pity to throw them away because each is unique and dear. But they take up too much space in the kitchen. So I decided to figure out how to store the mugs more conveniently.
Some of the most unusual ones can even be made into a kind of decor. Having searched on the Internet, I wrote down the best ideas. I won’t say that they all are practical, but some of those might definitely transform your kitchen.
How to Store Mugs: 10 Amazing Ideas
If you don’t want to display your mugs, put them in the drawer. Be sure to place a covering on the bottom to protect the furniture from water. This way all the mugs will be visible. And you can choose the right one.

Rails help save space in the kitchen. Attach them to your backsplash and hang your favorite mugs.

A simpler solution is holders with hooks you can put in the cabinets. They are attached to the shelves. The hooks can hold many mugs. At the same time, without taking up space on the shelves!

You can make a separate shelf for mugs. It can be multilevel for a large collection. Matching cups look very cute on small shelves.

For the most diverse collections of mugs, you will need a bookcase. You can place the mugs in it. And the glass will protect them from dust.

The rest of the mugs you can place into a wicker basket. It is convenient to rearrange it from place to place or even hide it.

The shelf with hooks is also a great storage idea. You can easily make it yourself.

You can also place multiple hooks directly on the wall.

Try creating small themed corners. Put similar mugs on a tray, add something suitable in style (toys, key rings, dishes), and place in a noticeable place.

Unusual mug holders will surprise your guests.

Memorabilia is very important to us. Even if it’s a simple mug that was given to you by a loved one. Now it will be easier for you to find such items a good place in the house.
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