When Will the Lockdown End?

Many of us sit at home and think that soon all of this will end, and we will again be busy with our daily errands. Our metropolises will live to the fullest again and everything will continue to be as it was before the pandemic. However, many people believe that there’s no going back to old reality: in a short time, humanity has changed forever. So what will happen when the lockdown ends?

There may be no return to “old normal” because this year humanity had to learn new rules of life. In other words, we’ve found out about alternative ways of social interaction.

Life After the Lockdown
We decided to reach out to opinion leaders. We were interested in the spiritual side. So the most obvious choice was the famous yogi Sadhguru. His thoughts were close to many of us. Here’s what he said.

“It reminds me of a parable where a rabbit found a frog in the pit. He went to look for a ladder to help the frog get out, but when he came back, he found there was nobody in there. It turned out that while the rabbit was gone, a snake crawled into the pit and the frog had to jump out. For us, the crisis is an opportunity, and the virus is a snake that has crawled into the pit. ”

“If the lockdown and isolation will last long enough, then everything that was previously considered a sign of success may lose its significance and stop to be valuable. We don’t know how long this will last. No one can predict anything. That is why each of you needs to try your best, no matter what you do. A snake has crawled into the pit, and if you don’t jump out, that’s the end. ”

What Can We Do?
“We have been taught to always compete since the very childhood. In this situation, it can be dangerous, since the problem requires us to help each other. In everything that we consider worthy of achievement, humanity must become one step higher. ”

“We must take advantage of the situation, not be overwhelmed by it. Humanity will feel united because this is happening all over the world. The world thinks like the world, not as separate nations. Therefore, we must rise above the situation to the best of our ability. ”

“Humanity has taken a break. These few weeks should be used to improve yourself. You don’t need to double your achievements. It’s like a summer vacation that you can use effectively in the adult world. I believe that humanity should take a break for at least three weeks every year. We’ll like it so much that in a few years it will be six weeks. ”

Sadhguru’s Thoughts on Lockdown
We agree with Sadhguru: humanity must reevaluate its impact on the planet. If we take our home for granted, then we must expect the consequences. We need to look for harmony in our lives.
What will happen after the lockdown ends? There is a high probability that, leaving the apartment after isolation, you will suddenly see your acquaintances as completely new people. And you will become a discovery for them. Or maybe you won’t notice anything at all. It depends only on you.