Foods for Women Over 40

The body of an adult woman is fundamentally different from the one of a young girl. Therefore, nutrition should be adjusted, and age-related changes taken into account. Today Cook It would like to share with you a list of the best foods for women over 40.
Firstly, in such age women experience hormonal changes that affect skin condition, metabolism and nervous system. Therefore, if you plan on losing weight, you need to not only eat less, but change your entire diet. Secondly, there are problems with the intestine, since elasticity of its walls decreases. To avoid frequent constipation and tympania, you must also monitor your nutrition.
In other words, if you want to effectively lose weight without any health problems, follow the recommendations below.
What Foods Women Over 40 Should Eat
Pay attention to plant and animal proteins. The amount of meat must be reduced, as its absorption is getting worse with aging. Include more cheese and mushrooms in your diet instead. If quitting meat is difficult for you, choose more tender and low-fat options, for example, rabbit and chicken.
Drink water immediately after waking up, as well as in between meals. Coffee is allowed, but no more than a cup per day.
Avoid sugary drinks, fast food and starchy food. Sweet pastries and sugar contain fast carbs. Human body breaks them down quickly and turns them into fat.
If you can’t quit junk food cold turkey, remove one unhealthy product from your diet each week. Nutritionists also advise to use the following trick. If you really crave such food, eat it in the morning together with products rich in fiber, such as apples in caramel or whole grain bread with a thin coat of jam.
Pay attention to sesame seeds. They contain phytoestrogens — plant-based analogues of female sex hormones. These seeds help regulate metabolism and reduce bad cholesterol. Take care to consume no more than 3 teaspoons per day though!
Stop drinking alcohol if you want your body to be fit and work like a charm. You are allowed 1 glass of dry red wine on holidays, but no more.
Sea fish high in fat belongs to the best foods for women over 40. It contains polyunsaturated fats that protect the blood vessels and improve the memory. Besides, it will help with the condition of hair and skin.
What does splitting the meals mean? It means small food servings every 2–3 hours. You won’t have time to get hungry. You’ll also speed up the metabolism. At first, you’ll feel a bit uncomfortable, but you’ll get used to it very soon.
Although our list is called “foods for women over 40”, it’s great to follow these simple rules at any age. Forget about the stomach heaviness and overweight. Try our advice, it’s easy!
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