Life Hacks

Life hacks are simple tips and tricks and ideas to make your life easier. From efficient cleaning of the kitchen and its equipment to incredibly useful cooking techniques to less stressful and more successful day-to-day living — we’ve got you covered.

Snacks in Japan

Japan is an enthralling destination for many reasons — nature, history, culture, and arts. However, for many travelers, Japanese food alone is reason enough to visit. Apart from sushi, the...

The Art of Seasoning: How to Use Spices

Spices are plant-derived seasonings with a distinct aroma and taste, traditionally used in food for flavor. [image src="" alt="how to use spices" url="" title="DepositPhotos"] They can be sweet, spicy, bitter,...

Personality Traits

I've known for a long time that our personality traits are revealed through the little things: gestures, facial expressions, reactions, style, movements, and much more. After reading several books on...