All posts by Lisa

Like many people nowadays, I love to explore new places. My favorite type is slow travelling, when you can really blend in with locals and learn about new cultures and languages. But I think there are also perfect times for enjoying freshly baked pastry, a cup of fragrant coffee, and a good movie in the comfort of your own home. I guess I'm kind of a cultural omnivore, and I watch different types of movies, but the ones about art and food inspire me the most!

Eggs for Skin

Who doesn't dream of young and smooth skin? Even those who are fortunate enough to have good genetics are still susceptible to the influence of external factors: ultraviolet rays, temperature...

DIY Spice Containers

Throwing things out thoughtlessly is not our habit. The time has come for another upcycling project. We have already told you how to prevent kitchen sink clogs. Today we are...

Japanese Diet Plan

Japanese cuisine is very diverse, while also low in calories. That is why you can rarely see overweight people among the Japanese. They also look much younger than they are....

Plastic Oil Bottle Caps

You know how much we love interesting cooking life hacks and unusual facts about kitchen appliances. However, until recently, we didn’t know anything about why plastic oil bottle caps have...