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Adjust Servings:
Cucumbers – 9 lb (4 kg)
Horseradish Leaves – 8
Cherry Leaves – 30
Raspberry Leaves – 20
Currant Leaves – 20
Bay Leaf – 3
Garlic – 1 ¾ oz (50 g)
Jalapeno Peppers – 1 oz (30 g)
Allspice – 5
Dill Flowers – 6
Water – 4 ¼ qt (4 l)
Salt – 8 ½ oz (240 g)

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Quick Pickled Cucumber

Quick Pickled Cucumber

  • Gluten-Free
  • Vegan
  • 30 min
  • Serves 10
  • Medium




As far back as I can remember, I’ve always loved homemade pickles. When I grew up, I began to collect recipes. I have a particular passion for barrel pickles. Crunchy and full of juice, they are perfect as a snack. Recently I’ve tried a similar quick pickled cucumber recipe using an ordinary plastic container.

It turns out that pickles made in a plastic container are as good as the barrel ones. I took a bigger container, picked up fragrant fresh leaves, and put everything in a container. And a week later they were ready to snack on.



Fill a large container with drinking water, add cucumbers, and soak for 6 hours.


Pour boiling water over the container, layer half the leaves, starting with horseradish ones, half of the garlic, half of the jalapenos, allspice, dill flowers, and cucumbers.


Add the remaining garlic and jalapenos, the other half of the leaves, and cover with the horseradish leaves.


Dissolve the salt in the water and pour the brine over the cucumbers. Cover with a cutting board and place a 1 ½ gal (6 l) water bottle on top. Leave it on for 5–7 days in a warm place.

Cucumbers are very crispy and tasty — like the ones from a barrel. And if you add a few oak leaves, you won't distinguish them at all. Quick pickled cucumbers will perfectly complement a hearty dinner. Bon appetit!


Like many people nowadays, I love to explore new places. My favorite type is slow travelling, when you can really blend in with locals and learn about new cultures and languages. But I think there are also perfect times for enjoying freshly baked pastry, a cup of fragrant coffee, and a good movie in the comfort of your own home. I guess I'm kind of a cultural omnivore, and I watch different types of movies, but the ones about art and food inspire me the most!

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